Kayhan are primarily builders and pre-qualified contractors for the QLD Government (PQC) with a level 2 rating for residential and commercial building services and associated trades.
As Level 2 PQC registered suppliers, we have systems of sub-contractor management and policies of guaranteed completion that are as rigid to deadlines as they are adaptive to the individual requirements of any tender that comes our way.
Our human resources are plentiful to ensure the success of any operation we tender for, and our ability to engage personnel as required means we can guarantee that we are never lacking in staff, sub-contractors or appropriate skill levels.
All tenders that we acquire are subject to the dictates of our Quality Assurance guidelines and those of our own company policy, making for a sterling standard of conduct, efficiency, and workmanship, in any field to which we apply them.
Our costing is always exhaustively researched and we take great measure to ensure that any price quoted by Kayhan is justified, and that all savings as a result of our research is passed on to the client in our tender figures.
We encourage you to contact us to determine how we can enhance your domestic or commercial projects, and assist with quality and professional trade services.
We encourage you to contact us to determine how we can enhance your domestic or commercial projects, and assist with quality and professional trade services.